Selamat Tahun Baru Cina 2018!

Madison Kids ingin mengucapkan GONGÂ XI FA CHAI kepada semua customer kami. Selamat Jalan kepada kepada semua yang akan pulang ke kampung halaman.Â
10 Benefits of Early Bedtime for Your Child
Early bedtime leads to a healthier child Research finds that 18-month-olds with later bedtimes are at a higher risk for motor, language and social deficits. A late bedtime can also negatively affect your school-age child’s alertness and, as a result, their performance in school. A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found a direct correlation between improved sleep and emotional stability in 7- to 11-year-olds. What’s more, studies show that children who go to bed later tend to have poorer dietary habits and a higher body mass index or BMI, compared to those who get to bed earlier. The bottom...
Free Shipping for a limited time only!
Use promo code RAYASPECIAL and get free shipping for purchases above RM500 made online. For a limited time only! *Terms and conditions apply Â
Madison Kids @ KL Calling Oosha Raya

Madison Kids had its first booth at KL Calling Oosha Raya in Shah Alam on 18th & 19th July 2014.The event was a success. Thank you for the support from all our customers.Madison Kids will inform our next venue on our website soon!Visit us at  Madison Kids 'Quality You Can Trust'